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Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Fact File:

Average lifespan:   9-15 years Weight:   5.9-9.2kg Hight:   30-33cm (head at 38-42cm, length 41-52cm) Aggression level:   low Noise level:   low Hypoallergenic:   no Coat:   silky, feathered double-coat susceptible to mats and tangles Grooming needs:   weekly brushing or clipping to avoid matting Activity level: low & adaptable - 1 hour play or walk per day Ancestry:   small lapdog with grace and athleticism of a sporting dog Temperament:   affectionate, docile, patient, eager to please, easy-going, curious, fearless and playful  Recognised Colours:   White and Tan - Blenheim, Black and Tan, Ruby, Tri-ColourDesigner Colours:   Black, Chocolate, Chocolate Tri, Blue Merle Tri, White

Cavalier Breed Information: About Us

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel History and Personality:

The Cavalier King Charles spaniel is the largest of the toy dogs family. These charming small dogs were adored by English King Charles I and Charles II. They originated from the toy spaniel and carry many spaniel traits. Cavaliers make great family dogs even for the unexperienced owners, but will probably not make the best guard dog and they are cheerful and make friends anywhere they go wiht both people and animals.

True to their royal ancestry they are companion dogs that love their humans and are not suited to being left by themselves all day. Typically calm, Cavaliers don't bark much but in true spaniel fashion they love to chase and flash out a bird. 


These small lap dogs were brought from France to Scotland in the 1500s by the Queen of Scots and were incredibly popular and depicted in many 16th, 17th and 18th Century paintings of northern Europe. Originally bred to warm laps in large cold castles and on chilly carriage rides and to attract fleas that would otherwise reside in the white wigs fashionable at the time, the breed remains a popular choice in the current day too.

cavalier painting
Cavalier Breed Information: About

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